Samuel’s calling in the sacred Scripture can serve as an example of how we might be called and how we are to discern God’s call.
We too are called to listen for and to be open to God’s calling us. We might hear God’s call during our moments of silent prayer. Or possibly when we reading from sacred Scripture. Or even more likely, maybe we will hear God’s call through a family or friend who might say to us, “you would make a good priest or brother.”
It is also good to visit religious communities through online retreats or in-person visits. It is there you will be able to learn more about a specific community and discern if that is where you are being called. Too often people say, “I am not holy enough,” or “I don’t pray enough,” or “I have made mistakes in my past.” And therefore they think God can’t possibly be calling them.
Our work is to go into the forgotten and neglected places, the no-priest land, the no-catholic land of America to accept as bases of operation, the little borderline parishes that nobody wants and from them to build up little outposts and parishes, where now no hope of them exists.
4119 Glenmary Trace, Fairfield, OH 45014
Dirección Postal: PO Box 465618, Cincinnati OH 45246